What Does Eko Market Hub means for your business!

Posted by webmaster 21/01/2017 2 Comment(s)

Eko Market Hub is the best online shopping hub experience in Cameroon. We provide a user-friendly e-commerce platform for businesses small and large. Sign up for free and start earning money today!

Does that sound commercial or Advertisement? Probably but let me tell you something: it’s not!


As a business, we provide you with the opportunity to own you own space that we call your “Eko Market Hub Site” or “EMH Site”. It’s your personal page through which the world see you. We have provided some membership levels enabling to uncover more feature as you move up.


The four memberships levels are featured below:

All businesses or sellers signing in for the first time will by default earn the Bronze level which cost nothing.


The Silver level membership, provided the ability to feature more products, to manage ad activities (Banners, Coupons...) and much more
The Gold level membership enable its subscribers to feature unlimited products, to accept payment directly into account, to perform stock management and full marketing activities and much  much more


The VIP level membership provides its subscribers with limitless possibilities. We grant it by invitation only and there is an independent verification performed by our partner www.smespro.com


We know our stuffs. Our job is to help you finding the right customers. We do this by ensuring a top notch service to ensure that they come back for more. We avoid playing with prices and we keep the best interest of the customer in mind… we have designed our site to always find out the best deal for customer first. Since you know this, increasing your prices won’t do you good (unless you have a valid reason to do so and this should be made known)
We bring visibility to your business and we work with trusted and verified Sellers.

Some others direct benefit for you as seller on our platform are:

  • Free product listing.
  • Competitive transaction rates.
  • Large marketing fund for campaigns and promotions.
  • State-of-the-art Seller Zone with:
  • Seminar rooms – regular classes on business optimization - a convenient space with free Wi-Fi so you’re never out of touch with your business
  • Photo studio – well-equipped for professional guidance and product listing
  • Account Management – a personalized follow up to understand you needs and answer your questions.

The Eko Market Team


2 Comment(s)

25/08/2017, 04:03:19 AM

Ce site est une grande innovation pour tout entrepreneur débutant.Il te permet d'avoir une grande visibilité et de faire connaitre ton affaire. Désormais ta cible est plus grande et tu peux ainsi accroître plus rapidement ton chiffre d;affaire.

25/08/2017, 04:03:20 AM

Ce site est une grande innovation pour tout entrepreneur débutant.Il te permet d'avoir une grande visibilité et de faire connaitre ton affaire. Désormais ta cible est plus grande et tu peux ainsi accroître plus rapidement ton chiffre d;affaire.

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