Business Verification:
It’s very easy to find a potential supplier/customer/partner using an online directory. But can you be sure that the business you choose is legitimate? We help you identify and authenticate potential trading partners to ensure they are who they say they. For our Business Verification service, we verify that a business is legally registered. We also confirm their address, official name and the scope of their business, along with other official registration details. Better upfront diligence on your suppliers/contractors/customers/ partners in Africa increases accountability, and reduce fraud, waste, and financial loss. Smespro gives you confidence to quickly and accurately validate commercial prospects, customers & vendors by giving you vital verification data in an easy to read format.
PRO Verification
- Business Identification information
- Business description
- On-site verification
- Owner / Management Verification
- Financial information
- Document Verification
Key Benefits
- Fraud detection
- Identify negative risk factor
- Make well informed business partner decision
- Avoid trading with fraudulent partners
- Reduce business risk and financial loss
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