
Welcome to, Africa’s first online business identity verification and authentication platform. Take the first step to verify & authenticate the identity of your prospects in Africa before starting any commercial relationship. Trading without verification is risky and can lead to huge financial loss. is a business identity verification platform currently available for Cameroon businesses. Smespro provides identity verification and authentication of your trading partner in Africa to ensure they are who they say they are. SMESPRO provide you with data and insights to help you take decisions with confidence and ensure you are trading with the right partner.

Our Commitment

  • to reduce business risks through identity verification
  • to enhance transparency of business
  • to help you avoid trading with fraudulent partners

Our Approach

  • We collect data from official database, public records and private sources. Our data goes through a thorough cleansing and validation process for quality assurance purposes.
  • We adopt an in-person verification and authentication process (with site pictures)
  • We use our expertise to help facilitate doing business in Africa through data sharing
  • We work closely with public and private sector authorities to design a solution that meets the unique requirements of the market

Our Philosophy

“Commercial success needs consumer confidence”

  • Fair obtaining of data
  • Accurate data
  • Transparency
  • Security